An anarchic-surrealistic film which begins with the decision of a young man to continue the trade of his late father and makes a series of caustic references to modern social reality in the Greek coun...
Following the theft of a precious icon of the Virgin Mary, monk Symeon is forced to leave the monastery and venture forth into the world in search of the icon. The perpetrator is Charis, the owner of ...
Α closed social system is ruled by a caste of lords: priests, ambassadors, politicians, bankers and servicemen. All of them prostitute themselves for the possession of power just as naturally as they...
An 18-year-old boy (Alkis Kourkoulos) leaves his home in search of Skiachtra, an enchanted girl-fairy he met one night by the river. He sets off on an adventure that turns out to be a journey of initi...
A father and his three sons (Vasilis Diamantopoulos, Nikitas Tsakiroglou, Giorgos Dialegmenos and Dimitris Poulikakos) inherit a manor located in a fertile garden. Together with the house they also in...
Two years after the establishment of the Junta, a resistance fighter (Stathis Gialelis) who managed to evade arrest by the authorities, leaves for Sweden. After 14 years in exile, his return to Greece...
A young literature teacher is appointed to a school in a distant mountain village in the Peloponnese. Myrtaios, the previous, now-deceased teacher, has left behind the reputation of being a great writ...
Three marginalized types (Dimitris Poulikakos, Thekla Tselepi and Konstantinos Christidis) are constantly challenging the establishment. Their lives are filled with love, adventure and humor. When the...